
COT1 - Dark Energy and Universe Acceleration


Shima, Kazunari


Motomu Tsuda


Dark Energy and Universe Acceleration of Nonlinear Supersymmetric General Relativity


We discuss cosmological implications of nonlinear supersymmetric(NLSUSY) general relativity(GR) of the form of Einstein-Hilbert(EH) action for empty spacetime, where NLSUSY GR is obtained by the geomtrical arguments on new spacetime just inspired by NLSUSY. The new action of NLSUSY GR is unstable and breaks down spontaneously to EH action with Nambu-Goldstone(NG) fermion matter. We show that NLSUSY GR elucidates the physical meanings of the cosmologically important quantities, e.g., the spontaneous SUSY breaking scale, the cosmological constant, the dark energy and the neutrino mass and describe natually the paradigm of the accelerated expansion of the present universe.  

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