
COT1 - Dark Energy and Universe Acceleration


Dymnikova, Irina


Possibilities and surprises of vacuum dark energy


The Einstein cosmological term is associated with a vacuum stress-energy tensor of the maximal symmetry. The variable cosmological term is introduced by reducing symmetry of a vacuum stress-energy tensor to the Lorentz boosts in a certain space direction. In the spherically symmetric case it generates globally regular space-time with the de Sitter center and describes, dependently on parameters and choice of an observer, distributed or clustered vacuum dark energy: nonsingular vacuum cosmologies with variable vacuum density and anisotropic pressures and localized objects: regular black holes and self-gravitating particle-like or star-like structures whose mass is related to interior de Sitter vacuum and smooth breaking of space-time symmetry.This has been tested by evaluating the gravito-electroweak unification scale.  

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