
COT4 - Nonsingular Cosmology - Inflation


Vikman, Alexander


Supersonic Inflation


It is well known that in manifestly Lorentz invariant theories with nontrivial kinetic terms, perturbations around some classical backgrounds can travel faster than light. These exotic "supersonic" models may have interesting consequences for cosmology and astrophysics.In particular, one can show that in such theories the contribution of the gravitational waves to the CMB fluctuations can be substantially larger than that in standard inflationary models. This increase of the tensor-to-scalar perturbation ratio leads to a larger B-component of the CMB polarization, thus making the prospects for future detection much more promising. The other important consequence of the considered model is a higher energy scale of inflation and hence higher reheating temperature compared to a simple inflation. Finally I will discuss causality and stability of these models. 

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