
COT5 - Quantum Cosmology and Quantum Effects in the Early Universe


Toporensky, Alexey


Cosmological dynamics with vacuum polarization


We consider de Sitter stability in modified gravity theories with respect to vacuum polarization. We assume that an analog of the Friedmann equation in the theory under consideration has the form $H=f(\rho)$, where $H$ is the Hubble parameter, $\rho$ is the matter density. After adding the vacuum polarization terms, this algebraic equation becomes a differential one. We write down eigenvalues of corresponding dynamical system in a de Sitter point, and show that stability of de Sitter solution depends on the sign of $df/d\rho$. A de Sitter point located at a phantom branch (where $df/d\rho < 0$) is unstable with respect to vacuum polarization.  

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