
GRB2 - The Afterglow and Long GRBs


Arkhangelskaja, Irene


Arkhangelsky Andrew, Yu.D. Kotov, S.I. Kuznetsov, A.S. Glyanenko


The GRB detected in low energy gamma-ray band by AVS-F apparatus onboard CORONAS-F satellite in 2001-2005 years.


The AVS-F apparatus onboard CORONAS-F satellite operated from 31.07.2001 up to 06.12.2005. The AVS-F apparatus constitutes the system for data processing from two detectors: SONG-D (CsI(Tl) scintillation detector Æ200 mm and 100 mm height, fully surrounded by plastic anticoincidence shield) and RPS-1 (solid state CdTe detector 4.9 mm ´ 4.9 mm). Despite of this satellite was Solar-oriented, over 30 GRB during August 2001 – December 2005 period were registered in the energy band of ~0.1-20 MeV by preliminary data analysis. The characteristics of GRB detected by AVS-F device are discussed. 

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