
GRB2 - The Afterglow and Long GRBs


Xue, She-sheng


C.L. Bianco, R. Ruffini, G.V. Vereshchagin


Adiabatic versus fully radiative regimes in gamma ray bursts


We examine the acceleration and deceleration stages of GRBs and the crucial role of adiabatic and fully-radiative regimes. The consequences of the approach followed by our group based on fully-radiative condition during entire afterglow phase [1] are compared and contrasted to the model of shocks, magnetic field and synchrotron radiation in the literature, assumed adiabatic condition [2]. References: 1. R. Ruffini, C.L. Bianco, P. Chardonnet, F. Fraschetti, L. Vitagliano, S.-S. Xue, AIP Conf.Proc. 668 (2003) 16 2. T. Piran, Phys. Rep. 314 (1999) 575  

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