
GT3 - Einstein-Maxwell Systems


Abdildin, Meirkhan






In order to explain the celestial bodies magnetism we have put forwarded the hypothesis of gravimagnetism, which represents that gravitation could be a source of magnetism [1]. It has been shown that the hypothesis of gravimagnetism leads to the correct quantitative results applied to the magnetism some celestial bodies (for instance, for the Moon - 10^-5 Gauss, for pulsars - 10^10 Gauss etc.). This hypothesis makes certain changes in the generally accepted interpretation of theGeneral Relativity (GR). In the given report the question of some discrepancies between theoretical results and practical data regarding the Earth, the Sun, neutron stars and other celestial bodies is discussed. It is turned out that this situation is caused by the fact that so far we have considered the simplest model of celestial body – a rotating homogeneous liquid sphere. One should take into account the heterogeneity of matter distribution inside planets, the Sun and neutron stars as well as the heterogeneity of rotation of the outer and inner layers of these celestial bodies. In fact, seismic data indicate that the Earth core takes up about one eighth of its volume. The substance in the Earth must be in liquid state and at the same time must have high density. It is assumed that the core can rotate with quite different speed than the shell of the Earth. A similiar situation i.e. manifestation of the heterogeneity can be in neutron stars (pulsars), too. 1. Abdildin M.M. On Interpretation of the Einstein Equations in General Relativity. Gravitation & Cosmology. Vol.5 (1999), No. 3 (19), pp. 219-221.  

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