
GT3 - Einstein-Maxwell Systems


Abdildin, Meirkhan


M.E.Abishev, R.Z.Burnasheva


On analogy between GR mechanics and electrodynamics


The relativistic equation of motion of a probe body moving in the field of rotating spherically symmetric massive central body [1] can be written as follows [2]: 1/2 rot dv/dt=dw/dt, div w =0; (1) where dv/dt is acceleration of translational motion of the probe body, w is angular velocity of the probe body considered as a function of canonically conjugated variables of r and p (momentum). It is necessary to note the analogy between equation (1) and the first pair of Maxwell’s equations in electrodynamics. 1. M.M.Abdil’din. Bodies motion problem in General Relativity. Almaty, 2006. - 152 p. 2. M.M.Abdil’din, M.E.Abishev. On optomechanical analogy in GR. Herald of KazNU, physics series, 2005, No 2 (20), p. 3-5.  

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