
GT4 - Inertial Forces, Optical Metrics and Particle Motion Properties


Garecki, Janusz


On energy and momentum of the Friedman and more general universes


Recently some authors concluded that the energy and momentum of the Friedman universes, flat and closed, are equal to zero locally and globally (flat universes) or only globally (closed universes). The similar conclusion was done also for more general homogeneous universes (Kasner and Bianchi type I). Such conclusions originated from coordinate dependent calculations performed only in comoving Cartesian coordinates and by using energy-momentum complexes. It is known that the energy-momentum complexes can be reasonably use only in precisely defined asymptotically flat spacetimes to calculate global energy and momentum.By using new, coordinate independent expressions on energy-momentum we show that the considered Friedman and more general universes are not energetic nonentity.  

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