
GT4 - Inertial Forces, Optical Metrics and Particle Motion Properties


Geralico, Andrea


Bini D., Ruffini R.


Static perturbations by a point mass on a Schwarzschild black hole


The static perturbations by a point mass on a Schwarzschild black hole background are studied in the framework of perturbation theory. It is shown that a solution free of singularities cannot exist using the standard approach by Regge and Wheeler. Adopting a different gauge allows to find the explicit form of the perturbation corresponding to a stable configuration, characterized by the presence of a \lq\lq strut'' between the particle and the black hole. The resulting perturbed metric with a conical singularity is shown to be the linearized form of the exact solution for two collinear uncharged black holes in static configuration belonging to the Weyl class. 

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