
GT4 - Inertial Forces, Optical Metrics and Particle Motion Properties


Kagramanova, Valeria


Bobomurat Ahmedov


On Properties of Vacuum Axial Symmetric Spacetime of Gravitomagnetic Monopole in Cylindrical Coordinates


General relativistic effects associated with the gravitomagnetic monopole moment of gravitational source through the analysis of the motion of test particles and electromagnetic fields distribution in the spacetime around nonrotating cylindrical NUT source are investigated. The circular motion of test particles in NUT spacetime, their characteristics and the dependence of effective potential from the radial coordinate for the different values of NUT parameter and orbital momentum of test particles are considered. It is shown that the bounds of stability for circular orbits are displaced toward the event horizon with the growth of monopole moment of the NUT object. In addition, exact analytical solutions of Maxwell equations for magnetized and charged cylindrical NUT stars are obtained.  

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