
GT6 - Exact Solutions (mathematical aspects)


Alam, Md. Shah




ABSTRACT It is quite well known that Complex number is the sum of a real and an imaginary number. We however, present another quantity called Mixed Number (MN), which is the sum of a scalar and a vector. The algebra of Mixed number – the operations of addition, multiplication etc. are defined while addition and multiplication of Mixed numbers are associative. An attempt has been made to study MN algebra to compare both quaternion algebra and geometric product introduced by Bidyut Kumar as well as to observe some of it applications. In this thesis some applications of Mixed number have been studied in detail. We have applied Mixed number in the following cases: (1) In Quantum Mechanics: (2) In Electrodynamics: (3) A “Mixed number Lorentz Transformation” has been developed. This transformation is associative.  

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