
GT6 - Exact Solutions (mathematical aspects)


Brill, Dieter


Puneet Khetarpal


Gravitational Collapse and horizon formation in 2+1 dimensions


In 2+1-dimensional sourceless Einstein theory with a negative cosmological constant there are space-times describing both point particles and black holes. The point particles are a convenient matter models, being entirely described by mass, spin and initial velocity, without the need to specify a matter energy tensor. Exact solutions can be generated by patching together neighborhoods of anti-de Sitter space to form the topology appropriate to black holes, and the "conical" singularities appropriate to particles. Thus, one can construct such solutions containing several particles and black holes and investigate their properties, such as gravitational collapse and horizon formation. This is illustrated by the two particle/black hole problem. Criteria for collapse and black hole formation from an initial state of two particles are given, and it is shown in detail how the horizon develops.  

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