
GT6 - Exact Solutions (mathematical aspects)


Ortaggio, Marcello


Jiri Podolsky


Robinson-Trautman spacetimes in higher dimensions


We investigate Robinson-Trautman spacetimes (which admit a hypersurface orthogonal, non-shearing, but expanding geodesic null congruence) in higher dimensional GR. The complete family of solutions to Einstein's equations with an arbitrary cosmological constant (and possibly aligned pure radiation) is presented. Analogies and differences with the well known D=4 case are discussed. The Weyl tensor is of type II or more special, but type III and N vacuum solutions are forbidden. While static Schwarzschild-Tangherlini black holes and their generalizations emerge as a privileged vacuum subclass (of type D), there is no formal analogue of the C-metric within the higher dimensional class.  

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