
GT6 - Exact Solutions (mathematical aspects)


Misthry, Suryakumari


Prof. S.D. Maharaj


Exact Solutions for Radiating Relativistic Star Models


EXACT SOLUTIONS FOR RADIATING RELATIVISTIC STARS S.S. Misthry 1 , S. D. Maharaj 2 1 Durban Institute of Technology, P.O.Box: 1334 Durban 4001, South Africa 2University of KwaZulu Natal, Durban, 4001, South Africa The study of the physical features of superdense, radiating, relativistic stars undergoing gravitational collapse is of particular interest in Astrophysics. This hinges on the solution of the Einstein Field Equations and the solution of the Junction conditions at the boundary of the star.These are highly non-linear equations and are therefore very difficult to solve. We present in this paper exact solutions by imposing the condition of conformal flatness first suggested by L. Herrera et.al. Some physical features of the model are discussed.  

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