
GW1 - GW Laser Interferometry in USA


Johnson, Warren


Status of the ALLEGRO Observatory


The latest observing run of the ALLEGRO bar detector began in Feb of 2004 and is still under way, with a total duty cycle of about 97%. The sensitivity is unchanged from the previous run; the major improvement was in the calibration apparatus and procedure, which found systematic effects that required significant corrections. The data show only rare departures from stationary gaussian noise. One search for a stochastic background at 900 Hz, including 3 orientations of the ALLEGRO detector, was done in collaboration with LIGO Livingston during its S4 run; results will be reported by John Whelan at this conference. A further search for burst events, during July through November of 2005, in collaboration with the 3 Italian bar detectors (together, the IGEC-2) is nearing a result. Data is begin taken so that a burst search can be done, in collaboration with LIGO and the IGEC-2, during the LIGO S5 run, which started in Nov 2005 and continues to date.  

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