
GW2 - GW Laser Interferometry in Europe


Murray, Peter


S. Reid, E. Chalkley, D. Crooks, J. Hough, S. Rowan (Univ of Glasgow), M.M. Fejer, R. Route (Stanford University), A. Remillieux, JM Mackowski (LMA Lyon), G.Harry (LIGO MIT), H. Armandula (LIGO Caltech), S. Penn, Hobart and William Smith


Mechanical losses of coatings and bonded substrates for use in advanced gravitational wave detectors


Advanced interferometric gravitational wave detectors will require mirrors whose coatings and suspensions have low mechanical loss. This talk will report the status of experiments to study the mechanical loss in coatings at room temperature and recent measurements of the loss factors of silicate bonded fused silica samples, allowing new limits to be set on the losses associated with silicate bonding. 

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