
GW2 - GW Laser Interferometry in Europe


Marka, Szabolcs


Peter Raffai


Yukawa-like Potential Tests Using Dynamic Gravity-Gradients in Interferometric Gravitational-Wave Detectors


Modern interferometric Gravitational-Wave detectors represent the most sensitive interferometers of our time. By tracking the displacement of their suspended Test Masses, they are currently capable of measuring displacements down to the order of $\sim10^{-19}\ \mathrm{m/\sqrt{Hz}}$. Beyond the detection of gravitational waves, we present an additional way of utilizing the extreme sensitivity of present and future interferometric Gravitational-Wave detectors. We induce displacement of a Test Mass via a well-controlled time dependent gravitational field using a Dynamic gravity Field Generator (DFG). This allows us to explore perturbative deviations of gravitational force from the classical Newtonian $1/r^2$ law. Our measurements concentrate on Yukawa-like contributions to the classical gravitational potential. A DFG also has a great advantage to be used as an accurate calibration device for future interferometric Gravitational Wave detectors. 

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