
GW3 - GW Laser Interferometry in Japan and Austral-Asia


Chen, Yanbei


Archana Pai, Kentaro Somiya (AEI), Shuichi Sato, Seiji Kawamura (NAOJ), Keiko Kokeyama (Ochanomizu Univ.), Robert Ward (Caltech)


Displacement-noise-free Interferometry


Until recently, it was believed that freely-falling test masses are essential for gravitational-wave detection --- with displacement noise directly limiting our sensitivity to the gravitational-wave strain. Here we show that this is not necessarily the case, at least in certain interferometric configurations in which each mirror- endowed test mass is sensed redundantly by multiple light beams. After cancellation of mirror motions using these redundancies, some sensitivity to gravitational waves with non-zero frequencies will survive. We call such technique Displacement-noise Free Interferometry (DFI). 

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