
H1 - Einstein Theories: Historical Perspective


Toro, Tiberiu


The genesis history of an Einstein "hidden" paper from 1925 (Berlin) on the roots of general relativity


In this work, in memoriam of Marcell Grossman (1878-1936) on the occasion of 70th anniversary of his death, we analyse, the genesis history of an Einstein paper, entitled:"nichteuklidische geometrie und physik" appeared in 1925 in the berliner journal:"Die Neue Rundschau (XXXVI.Jahrgand der freien Bühne,Heransgeber, Oskar Bie, S. Fischer,E. Saenger, Brand I.). This Einstein paper can be considered a "hidden" one because is not mentioned in the bibliography of the writings of A.Einstein. The historical origin of this "hidden" paper,we can elucitated on the basis of hungarian translation of this paper, in hungarian physical review:"Fizikai Szemle"-1965 No.4. Finally we analyse the role and the influence of M.Grossman, in the historical circumstancesof this Einstein paper, relative to sources of first noneuclidian geometrics of Bolyai and Lobachevsky. 

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