
PT3 - Precision Tests at Sub-Millimeter Distances


Schiller, Stephan


A. Görlitz, J. Koelemeij, A. Nevsky, A. Wicht, G. Tino, P. Lemonde, U. Sterr, F. Riehle, E. Peik, C. Salomon, C. Lämmerzahl, H.-J. Dittus, P. Touboul, A. Peters, E. Rasel, W. Ertmer


Satellite Optical Clocks: Fundamental Tests and Applications


A future satellite mission flying clocks on a dedicated spacecraft on a highly eccentric orbit represents a powerful probe of the Principle of Local Position Invariance and of the gravitational frequency shift. Such a mission is the natural extension of the type of mission to be pioneered with the ACES mission on the ISS. Both atomic and molecular optical clocks are considered for such a mission. In this presentation we discuss some of the issues related to the implementation and of the application of satellite optical clocks for applications such as geodesy. 

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