
PT4 - Precision Tests of Special Relativity


Zakharov, Alexander


Astrometrical microlensing with Radioastron


For microlensing case angular distances between images or typical astrometric shifts due to microlensing are about $10^{-5}-10^{-6}~as$. Such an angular resolution will be reached with the space space--ground interferometer Radioastron (which should be launched in 2007). The basic targets for astrometrical microlensing searches should be bright point-like radio sources at cosmological distances and gravitational lenses systems. We discuss a possibility to observe the astrometrical microlensing with the Radioastron for different locations of microlenses. Astrometric microlensing due Galactic Macho's actions is not very important because of low optical depths and long typical time scales.  

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