
QG1 - Quantum Gravity Phenomenology


Mayburov, Sergey


Fuzzy Space-time Geometry and Quantization


Fuzzy Geometry (FG) of Quantum space-time is studied in relation to the novel quantization on fuzzy phase space. The elements of fuzzily ordered set A - fuzzy points(FP) , beside the standard ordering relation , admit also the incomparability relation (IR) . A is Poset, but isn't ordered set and posses the nonboolean structure. Suppose that FG fundamental set is F=A X, where X - the real coordinate axe , then if some for all , where is some X interval, then coordinate is principally uncertain inside . properties can be detalized by the introduction of fuzzy weight . In 1-dimensional model of Fuzzy Mechanics the massive particle in arbitrary RF is described by FP with .FG nonboolean structure results in nonlinear interference effects in for free and potential evolution. From the analysis of sequences at for distributions it's shown that state is Dirac vector in complex , and its evolution obeys to Schrodinger equation. Fuzzy quantization of fields and strings is analysed with the accent on nonlocal effects.  

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