
QG2 - Quantum Fields


Yajima, Satoshi


S. Yajima, S.-I. Kubota, Y. Higasida, M. Fukuda, S. Tokuo and Y. Kamo


An irreducible form for the asymptotic expansion coefficients of the heat kernel of fermions


We consider the heat kernel for a massless fermion of spin 1/2 interacting with all types of non-abelian boson fields, i.e. scalar, vector and totally antisymmetric tensor fields, in even dimensional Riemannian space. The couplings of the fermion with the boson fields contain irreducible matrices which are expressed by the totally antisymmetric product of the gamma-matrices. In the model in 4 dimensions, the components of the first and second asymptotic expansion coefficients of the heat kernel with respect to the irreducible matrices are explicitly presented. The form of the coefficients is useful for evaluation of some fermionic anomalies. 

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