
QG3 - Casimir effect and Short-range Gravity


Ruoso, Giuseppe


A. Agnesi, P. Antonini, C. Braggio, G. Bressi, G. Carugno, G. Galeazzi, F. Pirzio, G. Reali, A. Tomaselli, D. Zanello


MIR: an experiment to measure the Dynamical Casimir Effect


The experiment MIR (Motion Induced Radiation) has been devised to measure the dynamical Casimir effect, i.e. the radiation produced by a rapidly moving reflecting boundary due to its interaction with the electromagnetic vacuum. The apparatus will be based on a resonant superconducting microwave cavity (resonant frequency about 2.5 GHz) with one of the wall performing an effective motion at twice the cavity resonant frequency. The effective motion is realized by changing the reflectivity of a semiconductor wafer by illumination with a laser source amplitude modulated at microwave frequency. In the talk the apparatus will be presented, together with the results of the tests performed during the R \& D phase.  

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