
MG12 - Talk detail

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Nashed, Gamal


Ain Shams University, Faculty of Science, Math. Department  - EL Kalifa El Maamon - Cairo - - Egypt





Angular momentum of Kerr solution in Teleparallel Theory Equivalent to General Relativity

It has been shown recently that within the framework of the teleparallel equivalent of general relativity (TEGR) it is possible to define in an unequivocal way the energy density of the gravitational field. The TEGR amounts to an alternative formulation of Einstein’s general relativity, not to an alternative gravity theory. In this article The energy-momentum tensor, which is coordinate independent, is used to calculate the angular-momentum of four different tetrad fields. Although, these tetrad fields reproduce the same space-time their angular momentum are different. We show that among these tetrad fields only one tetrad which give the known results of the rotating body

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