
MG12 - Talk detail

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Taylor, Marika


University of Amsterdam  - Valckenierstraat 65 - Amsterdam - - Netherland





Holographic realization of general gauge mediation

The recently proposed general gauge mediation scenario provides a framework in which properties of a visible sector with soft supersymmetry breaking are computed from current correlation functions in the susy breaking hidden sector. In this talk we will use holography to model strongly coupled hidden sectors by weakly curved geometries and describe how the current correlators relevant for general gauge mediation are computed by holographic methods. We illustrate the general setup by a toy example which captures most of the relevant features.


Holographic reconstruction of black hole microstates

The fuzzball proposal for black holes states that there exist horizon free non-singular geometries representing individual black hole microstates, with the black hole arising from coarse-graining over these geometries. This talk will briefly review the status of this proposal, focussing on cases where the black hole can be mapped holographically to a thermal state in a dual quantum field theory. In particular, we discuss the holographic reconstruction of geometries dual to black hole microstates and we show that to account for all black hole microstates one will in general need to go beyond the (super)gravity approximation to string theory.

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