
MG12 - Talk detail

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Rousseaux, Germain


CNRS Laboratoire Dieudonné UMR 6621 CNRS-UNS  - Parc Valrose - Nice - - France





How to escape a mock black hole ? Tune dispersion !

Condensed matter analog systems are assumed to reproduce parts of the Physics of astrophysical objects like black holes. A black (white) hole can be mimicked by the interaction between interfacial waves and a liquid current. No gravity waves can enter (resp. escape) a hydrodynamical white (resp. black) hole featuring a blocking (resp. trapping) line due to the strong velocity gradient of the counter-flow (resp. the gravitational force). By including ”transplanckian” corrections (here, surface tension effects) in the dispersion relation, we suggest a way to enter (resp. escape) a white (resp. black) hole by ”turning around” the dispersive cusp singularity formed by the intersection between two blocking lines (resp. the horizons) corresponding respectively to gravity (normal) and capillary (transplanckian) regimes.

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