
MG12 - Talk detail

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Grunskaya, Lubov


Vladimir State University  - Gorky - Vladimir - - Russia





Interconnection of electrical earth fields with gravitational waves of astrophysical nature

While solving the main problem of the project related to the investigations of the interaction of the ELF electromagnetic fields in the atmosphere lower surface layer with astrophysical gravitational and wave sources, a number of impotant results was got. The catalogues of the vertical component spectra of the atmosphere lower layer electrical field intencity in the ELF range (29,21,14 years old) which allowed to analysed the influence of the gravitational and wave sources. The estimations of the level for the spectral components of the geomagnetic fields on the gravitational wave sources are received according to Japan geomagnetic stations Kakioka (1913-2006) and Memambetsu (1950-1999). It was obtained that astrophysical sources GV-6 (J 2130+1210), GV-3 (J 1012+5307), GV-4 (J 1537+1155), GV-8 (J 1910+0004), GV-7 (J 1915+1606) have the most probability of non-casual of events. There was carried out the analysis of the structure of the signals according to the covariance matrix vectors according to the atmosphere lower layer electrical field data, which allowed to extract a deep modulation with the period of day and night in the signal scanning corresponding to the astrophysical GW-sources which is one of the most impotant features of non-Earth mature signal origin on the given frequencies. Studing the structure of complex periodical signals and its dynamics will alow to understand physical mechanisms of the excitation of the atmosphere lower layer electromagnetic field variations, which adventigiosly supplement the results of the spectral analysis. Complex joint theoretical investigatios of the problem of the gravitational and electromagnetic fields interactions are being carried out together with Kazan State University. The theoretical investigation of the problem of the interaction of the gravitational and electromagnetic fields was continued in 2005 in following 3 directions: the investigation of the tide (non-minimal) interaction; the classification of the anisotropic electromagnetic active mediums with the help of the associated and optical metrics; non-local electrodynamics. The work is carried out with supporting of grants RFBR N 09-05-99015, Program DSPHS ¹ 2.1.1/5660.

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