
MG12 - Talk detail

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Vagenas, Elias


Research Center for Astronomy and Applied Mathematics, Academy of Athens  - Soranou Efessiou 4 - Athens - Attiki - Greece





Area spectrum of rotating black holes and the new interpretation of QNMs

Motivated by the recent work on a new physical interpretation of quasinormal modes by Maggiore, we utilize this new proposal to the interesting case of Kerr black hole. In particular, by modifying Hod's idea, the resulting black hole horizon area is quantized and the resulting area quantum is in full agreement with Bekenstein's result. Furthermore, in an attempt to show that the area spectrum is equally spaced, we follow Kunstatter's method. We propose a new interpretation as a result of Maggiore's idea, for the frequency that appears in the adiabatic invariant of a black hole.

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