
MG12 - Talk detail

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Kamenshchik, Alexander


Department of Physics, University of Bologna  - via Irnerio 46 - Bologna - - Italy





Dark energy beyond the Standard Cosmological Model

We consider some models of dark energy based on perfect fluids, tachyons and phantom scalar fields. It is shown that the cosmological perturbations in the generalized Chaplygin gas model, where the pressure is inversely proportional to the power of the energy density which is greater that 3 are compatible with observations. The tachyon model, implying as a possible outcome of the cosmological evolution en encounter with the big brake cosmological singularity is compared with supernovae data and some characteristics of such evolutions are numerically estimated. Finally we consider a cosmological model with two scalar fields (one of which is effectively phantom), based on PT symmetry.


Asymptotic freedom in inflationary cosmology with a non-minimally coupled Higgs field.

We consider the renormalization group improvement in the theory of the Standard Model Higgs boson playing the role of an inflaton with a strong non-minimal coupling to gravity. It suggests the range of the Higgs mass 124 < M_H < 180 GeV compatible with the current CMB data. We find the phenomenon of asymptotic freedom induced by this non-minimal curvature coupling, which brings the theory to the weak coupling domain. The renormalization group running of a basic quantity -- the anomalous scaling in the non-minimally coupled Standard Model, which analytically determines all characteristics of the CMB spectrum -- brings it to small positive values at the inflation scale. This property also might underlie the formation of initial conditions for the inflationary dynamics in quantum cosmology.

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