
MG12 - Talk detail

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Watts, Anna


Astronomical Institute "Anton Pannekoek", University of Amsterdam  - PO Box 94249 - Amsterdam - - Netherland





Gravitational waves from neutron stars

Direct detection of gravitational waves (GWs) from neutron stars will eventually enable completely new studies of dense matter composition and dynamics. I will summarize our current understanding of gravitational wave generation mechanisms in neutron stars, as constrained by both theory and electromagnetic astronomy. I will discuss what we can hope to learn from GW observations, how they will complement traditional astronomical methods, and review prospects for direct and indirect detection of GWs.


X-Ray Inputs into Gravitational Wave Science

Input from X-ray astronomy is critical to gravitational wave searches, providing (for example) trigger times for burst searches and ephemerides for continuous wave searches. Even in cases where it cannot supply a precise signal template, X-ray astronomy can provide constraints on gravitational wave generation mechanisms. I will review the prospects for interaction between these two fields in the light of current and planned X-ray missions.

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