
MG12 - Talk detail

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Kovar, Jiri


Silesian University in Opava  - Bezrucovo nam. 13 - Opava - - Czech Republic





Off-equatorial motion of charged particles near compact objects

Near black holes and neutron stars, motion of particles is governed by strong gravitational fields. Electrically charged particles feel also electromagnetic force arising due to currents inside the star or plasma circling around. Describing such backgrounds by proper solutions of Einstein-Maxwell equations, we demonstrate that the interplay between gravitational and electromagnetic action may allow for stable off-equatorial circular motion of charged particles. This represents well-known generalized Stormer's `halo orbits', which have been discussed in connection with the motion of dust grains in planetary magnetospheres. We present also the study of charged particles motion in the related off-equatorial potential `halo lobes', investigating the chaoticness and regularity of the motion.

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