
MG12 - Talk detail

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Chialva, Diego Valerio


Nordita Institute  - Roslagstullsbacken 23 - Stockholm - - Sweden





Non-BPS black holes and self-interacting fundamental strings

Verifying the string/black holes correspondence principle is difficult for the non-BPS case, as the counting of microstates at the free string level receives corrections at non-zero coupling and cannot be compared to the black hole entropy (which is computed at non-zero Newton's constant). Furthermore, the correct microstates must possess some geometrical properties (size) in order to be related to a black hole, which are difficult to be studied. In this talk, I present a solution to both problems for non-BPS configurations with and without (Neveu-Schwarz) charges and show how geometrical quantities, such as typical string sizes equal to the Schwarzschild radius of the corresponding black holes, arise in the description of string states at non-zero coupling. The calculations of black hole and string entropy have indeed an overlapping regime of validity where string perturbation theory is possible. There, we compute the entropy of fundamental string states including one-loop string corrections and their "size" for the first time in a completely well-defined and rigorous way in string theory.

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