
MG12 - Talk detail

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Ohsumi, Yuji


Nagoya university  - Hurocho - Nagoya - Aichi prefecture - Japan





Entanglement in inflationary universe

The large scale structure in the present universe originates from the quantum fluctuation of an inflaton field in inflationary era. On the other hand, in the theory of structure formation, the perturbation is described by a classical distribution function. If the perturbation has a purely quantum correlation, or entanglement, they cannot be described by classical distribution function. Therefore, the entanglement in perturbation must disappear. We have investigated the condition that the entanglement between a field on 2 regions on physical space disappears. We found that in the limit of large e-folding number, the entanglement depends on the distance between the 2 regions in unit of horizon, but does not depends on time. The distance on which the entanglement disappears depends on the model of background spacetime and the mass of the field.

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