
MG12 - Talk detail

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VASSET, Nicolas


LUTh- Observatoire de Paris-Meudon  - Place Jules Janssen - Meudon - Ile de France - France





Applying quasilocal horizon formalism to the computation of excised black hole spacetimes

We present a numerical work aiming at the computation of excised initial data for black hole spacetimes in full general relativity, using Dirac gauge in the context of a constrained formalism for the Einstein equations. Introducing the isolated horizon formalism for black hole excision, we especially solve the non-conformally flat part of the equations, and assess the boundary condition problem for this part. In the stationary single black hole case, we present and justify a no-boundary treatment on the black hole horizon. We assess with our data the widely used conformally flat approximation for simulating axisymmetric black hole spacetimes. Finally, we discuss a previous suggestion in the literature for the boundary conditions for the conformal geometry on the horizon, and tackle the issue of applying this approach to the binary black hole case.

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