
MG12 - Talk detail

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Gal-Yam, Avishay


Weizmann Institute of Science  - 1 Herzl St. - Rehovot - - Israel





Novel Explosions: GRBs without SNe

Studies of nearby GRBs initially seemed to indicate a simple picture: long GRBs are associated with stripped-envelope, hydrogen-poor core-collapse supernovae (SNe), while short GRBs are not associated with SNe (and may arise from compact object mergers). However, in the last few years, additional observations seem to complicate this picture. GRBs with long durations that are not associated with SNe have been found, while the exact distinction between long and short GRBs is being reconsidered. I will review the status of these issues and will try to summarise what we have learned and what, in my opinion, is still unclear.

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