
MG12 - Talk detail

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Vasúth, Mátyás


MTA KFKI RMKI  - 29-33 Konkoly Thege - Budapest - - Hungary





Compact binaries on hyperbolic orbits

The hyperbolic encounter of compact objects results burst like gravitational wave signal. We analyze the motion of spinning binary systems with the construction of a general parametrization of the radial motion which is valid for all types of the orbits. With the time dependence of the parameter the gravitational waveforms can be constructed.


LISA parameter estimation accuracy for compact binaries on eccentric orbits

Supermassive black hole binary inspirals are among the most important sources for the future LISA gravitational wave observatory. The scattering of stars and/or the effects of an ambient gaseous accretion disk can lead to a significant initial eccentricity. Taking into account the eccentricity in the waveform improves the parameter estimation accuracy for these sources, as shown using a Fisher matrix analysis.


LISA parameter estimation accuracy for compact binaries on eccentric orbits

Supermassive black hole binary inspirals are among the most important sources for the future LISA gravitational wave observatory. The scattering of stars and/or the effects of an ambient gaseous accretion disk can lead to a significant initial eccentricity. Taking into account the eccentricity in the waveform improves the parameter estimation accuracy for these sources, as shown using a Fisher matrix analysis.

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