
MG12 - Talk detail

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Lueck, Harald


AEI - Leibniz Universitaet Hannover  - Callinstr. 38 - Hannover - - Germany





ET - the Einstein Telescope: a 3rd generation gravitational-wave observatory

The sensitivity of the second generation of gravitational-wave detectors assures frquent detections of gravitational waves and will allow first steps into gravitational-wave astronomy with the observation of rare high Signal-to-Noise-Ratio events. To switch to frequent observation of high SNR signals, hence allow routine GW astronomy and expand the observation band into the very promising frequency range down to 1 Hz a Design study for ET´, the Einstein Telescope, has been started. The ET Design study is a European effort to elaborate a concept for an instrument yielding a 100-folg better sensitivity than current detectors.


GEO HF - the upgrade of GEO600

The British / German gravitational wave detector GEO600 has successfully been taking data within the last few years. Around the time of this meeting a series of upgrades of GEO600 will start including the use of squeezed vacuum, self homodyne readout, installation of an output mode cleaner and an increase of the circulating light power. This talk will give an overview of the goals, the techniques used and the expected timescales.

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