
MG12 - Talk detail

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Wylleman, Lode


Ghent University  - Galglaan - Gent - - Belgium





Applications of the ortho-complex-null (OCN) formalism to perfect fluids

The OCN formalism is a weighted formalism which singles out two mutually orthogonal vector fields on a 4D space-time, one unit timelike and one unit spacelike, thereby leaving a phase freedom to the complex null directions orthogonal to them. It is of great aid to deduce novel exact solution families wherein two such fields are naturally distinguished. I will first outline the formalism and then present a substantive list of new results which can be obtained by means of it, regarding Weyl-aligned Petrov type D perfect fluid models on the one hand and the integrability proof for a new class of Petrov type I gravito-electric rotating dust space-times on the other.

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