
MG12 - Talk detail

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Perotto, Laurence


Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie (LPSC)  - 53, rue des Martyrs - Grenoble - - France





Cosmic microwave background lensing with the Planck mission

The Planck space mission should provide sufficiently low-noise level, hight resolution data to allow the first measurement of the weak gravitational lensing effect inprinted in the CMB maps by the intervening large scale structures. After a brief review of the CMB lensing and its signatures on the primary CMB observables, I will present the statistical methods which exists in the literature for its reconstruction from the CMB maps. Then I will discuss the capability of the Planck experiment to extract the CMB lensing effect and the sensitivity of this measurement to instrument systematics and astrophysical foregrounds. Finally, I will show that the exploitation of the CMB lensing information can significantly improve the Planck mission sensitivity to cosmological parameters.

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