
MG12 - Talk detail

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Pullin, Jorge


Louisiana State University  - Department of Physics and Astronomy - Baton Rouge - LA - USA





Spherically symmetric quantum scalar field in a quantum space time in loop quantum gravity: the vacuum and the cosmological constant.

We study spherically symmetric gravity coupled to a minimally coupled scalar field in the context of loop quantum gravity. The system has a diffeomorphism and a Hamiltonian constraint with a non-trivial with a non-trivial algebra, so it suffers from the "problem of dynamics" of the full theory. We apply the uniform discretization procedure to treat the constraints. We apply a variational procedure for the determination of an approximation to the vacuum state of the quantum theory. We make contact with the ordinary Fock theory of a scalar field on curved manifolds in the case of weak fields. The approach allows to compute the vacuum energy and therefore to analyze the issue of the value of the cosmological constant in the context of this symmetry-reduced model.

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