
MG12 - Talk detail

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Paredes, Josep M.


Universitat de Barcelona  - Marti i Franques 1 - Barcelona - - Spain





On the non-thermal emission of the stellar mass black holes

The discovery of non-thermal X-ray emission from the jets in some X-ray binaries, and especially the discovery of TeV gamma-rays in some of them, provide a clear evidence of very efficient acceleration of particles to multi-TeV energies in these systems. The observations demonstrate the richness of non-thermal phenomena in compact galactic objects containing relativistic outflows or winds produced near black holes and neutron stars. Especially interesting are also the signatures of interaction between these relativistic outflows and the surrounding ISM, as in the case of Cygnus X-1. I review here some of the main observational results on the non-thermal emission from X-ray binaries as well as some of the proposed scenarios to explain the production of high-energy gamma-rays.

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