
MG12 - Talk detail

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ONERA  - 29 avenue de la Division Leclerc - BP 72 - CHATILLON CEDEX - - FRANCE





Ultra-sensitive electrostatic accelerometers and future fundamental physics missions

Ultra-sensitive electrostatic accelerometers have in the last decade demonstrated their unique performance and reliability in orbit leading to the success of the three Earth geodesy missions presently in operation. In the near future, space fundamental physics missions are in preparation and highlight the importance of this instrument for achieving new scientific objectives. Corner stone of General Relativity, the Equivalence Principle may be violated as predicted by attempts of Grand Unification. Verification experiment at a level of at least 10-15 is the objective of the CNES-ESA mission MICROSCOPE, thanks to a differential accelerometer configuration with concentric cylindrical test masses. To achieve the numerous severe requirements of the mission, the instrument is also used to control the attitude and the orbital motion of the space laboratory leading to a pure geodesic motion of the drag-free satellite. The performance of the accelerometer is a few tenth of femto-g, at the selected frequency of the test about 10-3 Hz, i.e several orbit frequencies. Another important experimental research in Gravity is the verification of the Einstein metric, in particular its dependence with the distance to the attractive body. The Gravity Advanced Package (GAP) is proposed for the future EJSM planetary mission, with the objective to verify the inverse square gravitation law from Earth to Jupiter. This verification is performed by following precisely the satellite trajectory in the planet and Sun fieds with a precise measurement of the non-gravitational accelerations in order to evaluate the deviations to the geodesic motion. Accelerations at DC and very low frequency domain are concerned and the natural bias of the electrostatic accelerometer is thus compensated down to 5 10-11 m/s2 thanks to a specific bias calibration device. More ambitious, the Odyssey mission, proposed for Cosmic Vision, will fly in the Solar System beyond Saturn. Based on the same instrument, the scientific return will be enlarged by the better performance achievable on a dedicated satellite and by the larger distance to the Sun. Fly by gravitational effects will also be carefully observed. At last, gravitational sensors take advantage of similar instrument concept, configuration and technologies to achieve pure free inertial masses, references of the LISA mission interferometer for the observation of gravity waves.

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