
MG12 - Talk detail

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Lavrelashvili, George


A.Razmadze Mathematical Institute  - M.Aleksidze 1 - Tbilisi - - Georgia





Aspects of quantum tunneling with gravity

First we consider tunneling processes of metastable vacuum decay in a theory of a single scalar field minimally coupled to gravity and show that proper reduction scheme for for small perturbations about Coleman-DeLuccia bounce solution leads to prove of existence of exactly one negative mode in their spectrum [1,2]. Similar analysis for spectrum of linear perturbations about oscillating bounces indicates that the bounce with N nodes has N negative modes [3]. Next we plan to discuss influence of non-minimal coupling on tunneling processes in scalar field theory with gravity [4]. [1]A.Khvedelidze, G.Lavrelashvili and T.Tanaka, ``Cosmological perturbations in a FRW model with a scalar field and false vacuum decay'', Phys. Rev. D62:083501 (2000); [2]G.Lavrelashvili, ``Negative mode problem in false vacuum decay with gravity", Nuclear Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 88 (2000) 75. [3] G.Lavrelashvili,``Number of negative modes of the oscillating bounces", Phys. Rev. D73 (2006) 083513. [4] Y.Brihaye and G.Lavrelashvili, ``False vacuum decay due to non-minimal coupling to gravity,'' 2009, work in progress.

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