
MG12 - Talk detail

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Battisti, Marco Valerio


Centre de Physique Theorique Luminy and ICRA  - Case 907 Luminy F-13288 - Marseille - - France





Semiclassical behavior of the Mixmaster dynamics in the GUP framework

The Mixmaster Universe is analyzed in a (string-inspired) generalized uncertainty principle framework. The model is studied in the ADM reduced phase space and the anisotropies satisfy a deformed Heisenberg algebra. Three main results are in order. (i) The deformation effects act as opposite of a stiff-matter. (ii) The triangular allowed domain is asymptotically stationary with respect to the point-Universe. (iii) No BKL map can be in general obtained since the Bianchi II model is no longer analytically integrable.


Big-bounce in a Snyder-deformed quantum cosmology

The Snyder non-commutative geometry is implemented to the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker quantum dynamics. The minisuperspace Heisenberg algebra is here deformed and the modifications are uniquely fixed up to a sign. A non-singular bouncing evolution, \`a la loop quantum cosmology, is then predicted. Notably, the Randall-Sundrum braneworld scenario is also recovered.

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