
MG12 - Talk detail

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Karshenboim, Savely


Max-Planck-Institut fuer Quantenoptik  - Hans-Kopfermann-Str. 1 - Garching - - Germany





The equivalence principle for antiparticles

In my talk I will discuss the equivalence principle for antiparticles based on study of neutral-meson oscillations and also constraints on antigravity of antimatter from neutral mesons and precision spectroscopy. The estimations are obtained by considering behavior of various objects a gravitational field of the center of our galaxy.


Laboratory search for a possible time vatiation of fundamental constants

During few last years a dramatic progress in precision frequency measumenents has been achieved on various transitions. That has prodived us with a powerful tool for search for a possible time vatiation of fundamental physical constants such as the fine structure constant alpha. A short overview of laboratory will be present.

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