
MG12 - Talk detail

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Herdeiro, Carlos


Porto University  - Rua do Campo Alegre, 687 - Porto - - Portugal





Physical aspects of the double Kerr solution

I shall discuss the asymptotically flat double-Kerr solution for two equal mass black holes with either the same or opposite angular momentum and with a massless strut between them. After discussing the construction of this solution using the inverse scattering technique, I shall focus on physical properties, namely the behaviour of the angular velocities of the horizons, the force between the black holes, the ergo-regions and the horizon geometries, as functions of the mass, spin and distance between the black holes. A novel property exhibited is that $J/M^2$ may be greater than unity, for Kerr black holes in this system, where $M,J$ are the mass and spin of each black hole. This, and other effects, is interpreted in terms of rotational dragging.

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