
MG12 - Talk detail

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Stappers, Benjamin


Jodrell Bank Center for Astrophysics  - Alan Turing Building, Upper Brook Street - Manchester - - United Kingdom





EPTA & LEAP: Using pulsars to detect gravitational waves

High precision timing of an array of millisecond pulsars is sensitive to a stochastic background of gravitational waves with frequencies in the nano-Hertz regime. The gravitational waves in this frequency range are thought to be generated by a large number of merging blackholes in the early universe and/or relic gravitational waves like those from cosmic strings. I will discuss the European Pulsar Timing Array, one of three projects around the world working to directly detect these gravitational waves. Our present best limit on a stochastic background will be presented. I will also discuss the Large European Array for Pulsars project which will use five European telescopes in a coherent mode to form the a large steeerable telescope. LEAP has an excellent chance of making the first direct detection in the nanoHz range.

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