
MG12 - Talk detail

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Visinescu, Mihai


National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering - "Horia Hulubei" , IFIN-HH  - Magurele MG- 6 - Bucharest - Romania - Romania





Conformal Killing-Yano tensors on higher dimensional spacetimes endowed with special structures

Conformal Killing-Yano tensors on higher dimensional spacetimes generate hidden symmetries intimately related to the integrability of the geodesic motions and separability of Hamilton-Jacobi, Klein-Gordon, Dirac equations in these backgrounds. The existence of conformal Killing-Yano tensors on spacetimes endowed with a mixed 3-Sasakian structure is proved. Some explicit examples of Einstein spacetimes with mixed 3-Sasakian structures are constructed. These spacetimes admit three orthogonal Killing vector fields, one timelike and the others spacelike. The distribution spanned by them is integrable, defines a 3-dimensional Riemannian foliation having totally geodesic leaves of constant curvature.

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